Give. My. Body. LIFE.That's the best way I can express how I feel about eating whole, unprocessed, nourishing, colourful, rad, beautiful, healthy, beneficial, and diverse foods. Think about it, it's often referred that, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.
Who wouldn't want to be fresh, fun, colourful, beautiful, clean, pure, healthy, refreshing, SWEET, and did I say FRESH?
Stop making your body a graveyard if you haven't already begun to nourish it with healthy, LIVING foods, and start now. Veganism is NOT hard, expensive, or extreme. What IS extreme is murder, abuse, decay, rot, everything involved in the inhumane mistreatment exhibited in major meat, dairy and egg corporations.
Two of the things I love above all other things (other than my family and friends and their well-being) is health, animals, life, and the planet. Not only does being vegan help the animals, but it also helps the environment.
- Humans eat twice as much meat as we did 30 years ago, primarily of chickens, cows, pigs and sheep
- All of the above animals require an IMMENSE amount of water, feed as they produce GREAT amounts of waste and methane gases
- The climate change emissions of the combined animals exceeds those of all forms of transportations
- The unnecessary industry DESTROYS and steals land
- This land could be used as crops to feed the hungry
- Not to mention, the land involved to grow feed for the ANIMALS could be used, as well, to feed the hungry
- Water is WASTED
- The air, water and land is poisoned by the by products of meat factories
- The natural resources of the earth are being DRAINED
IT TAKES 20,000 LBS OF WATER TO PRODUCE ONE POUND OF BEEF WHILE IT ONLY TAKES 60-130 LBS OF WATER TO PRODUCE A POUND OF POTATOES, RICE OR ANY OTHER GRAINNot only all that, but it is deemed that a plant based diet is half the cost of a meat-centred diet.
I would say sorry to get preachy here, but I won't because it is something seriously frightening. It affects the human race, the animals, the EARTH and something must be done.
For more information here are some excellent websites: --> For newbies --> For humours
~ Da Vinci
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