Throughout life, moments are so precious and we can so easily take time for granted. Time that we have with loved ones, passions, or even just life itself. Before I had adopted this mindset of cherishing and valuing every moment of incredible life, like many, I could have easily found myself in a rut. It is so crucial to remember that no matter what happens, there is always something positive to look to. And with that, there is always inspiration surrounding, something I carry with me everyday. Whether that be from friends, family, figures, nature, things, ideas, or even pets, the love and positivity is always available.
Inspiration, to me, is something you feel and immense amount of love for, and something that gives you hope regarding yourself. Inspiration makes you feel good, and bout yourself too. Finding inspiration from others is not only important, but finding the fire inside yourself to ignite that spark to be artistic, loving, beautiful, whole, healthy, and positive is also vital. Of course you have to laugh at yourself occasionally or acknowledge that you may be imperfect in one way, but that is the most perfect thing about life (Something I had previously expressed in my Loving your whole, imperfect perfect self post).
I have so many things to work on still, and I love that because it gives me such a satisfying task in my life. Something so dear and personal, I have the privilege of calling it my own.
With the things that are inspiring to me, (and I recommend everyone do this) I have a list as to why it does.
In closing, I find inspiration everywhere, in nature, in friends, family, activity, movement, people, and most importantly, the journey and imperfectly, imperfect idea of life. So go out there, take that yoga class, cook that recipe that taunts your taste-buds, go for gold, find inspiration, better yourself, for you are bettering the world.
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