Thursday, April 23, 2015

So, yesterday I decided to expand a little more on a newly discovered and beloved recipe of Cauliflower Fried 'Rice'. I have done this before and it was so delicious I had to expand on it. This recipe is so easy and so fun, mind you, it was quite messy, but who doesn't love a little chaos in the kitchen once in a while?

Not only does this dish replicate a more processed and conventional take with regular rice in a more healthy, clean way, but it's loaded with so many health benefits all thanks to some super foods stuffed into these yummy 'tacos'.

Another amazing aspect to this dish is that it is totally customizable, and you can even eat it raw if that suits you more.

Without more ado, the things you will need are as follows for the cauliflower 'rice' :
1/4 cauliflower head - large
1 spaghetti squash
1 bunch of broccoli
1 lemon
1 pinch sea salt to taste
1 tsp dehydrated basil leaves
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tbsp coconut oil

fry pan
grater of any kind
spoon to stir

For taco addition:
spaghetti squash
1tbsp olive oil
baking sheet

large cos lettuce leaves
any beans of choice (I like to use red kidney beans since they are so packed with necessary nutrients)

The very first thing I do, after washing all the yummies, I start off with the spaghetti squash. Since it takes a while to cook, I deal with this guy first while the oven heats up. After setting the oven up to 400°, cut the squash in half and scoop out the guts with the seeds, leaving only the meat of the squash. 

 After that, it's pretty simple. Add a tbsp of olive oil to the pan, pop it in for about an hour total, while checking halfway in-between. While that's baking in the oven I move onto the cauliflower 'rice'.
This part is the most fun. I even got a bit of a workout from it yesterday! Since I am not blessed with a food processor at the moment, and I know many aren't, a grater works just as well. It is more effort, but the result will be so spectacular, you will forget how much work you did when you are truly treated. Grate the cauliflower into a bowl and it should resemble the form of rice. Once you are through that, grab your broccoli and begin chopping! 

The stems are the of the same nutritional value as the florets, and so many people don't use it or throw it away and stick to the top, adorable, tree like parts to work with. The entire broccoli is edible, despite the conventional way people chop off the stems only to have them meet the bottom of a trash can. Also, when they are cut up, they look like pretty flowers and have a satisfying, meaty, crunchy taste.

Once you've tossed in the broccoli, add in all the other spices and mix them together!

Coconut oil has got to be my favourite alternative to butter and other cooking oils. It has the most amazing, creamy quality, with a taste to brag about. There doesn't go a day without coconut oil in my life, whether it's in my cooking, baking, facial rituals, and even sometimes cleaning or hair masks! It is so versatile and is the winner of every health, super food imaginable in my books. I could go on about how it moisturizes your skin, makes it glow, aids digestion, reduces stress, and overall tastes good, but that will be saved for a future post.

Once the coconut oil has melted in the pan, add the mix of cauliflower 'rice' and fry it! Let it fry until it begins to turn a golden colour, then it is ready to serve.

 Assemble your plate as you like and begin munching! Add on lemon afterwards and feel free to add zest. Initially, I actually hadn't meant to make tacos. The idea came to me after watching a youtube video someone posted of "What I eat in a Day" and they did something very similar but with tomatoes, which you can add on as well.

A close-up of the green-machine dinner.

Enjoy and eat mindfully because we are what we eat and we emit what we believe. 

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison"
~Ann Wigmore

1/4 cauliflower head - large
1 spaghetti squash
1 bunch of broccoli
1 lemon
1 pinch sea salt to taste
1 tsp dehydrated basil leaves
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tbsp coconut oil

fry pan
grater of any kind
spoon to stir

For taco addition:
spaghetti squash
1tbsp olive oil
baking sheet

large cos lettuce leaves
any beans of choice (I like to use red kidney beans since they are so packed with necessary nutrients)

1. Cut the spaghetti squash in half and scoop out the insides seed area leaving the 'meat'. Once finished, place in baking pan with 1TBSP of extra virgin olive oil (Or other vegan oil of your choice). Put the pan in the oven at 400°.
2. While the squash cooks in the oven for about an hour, grate the cauliflower into a bowl.
3. Cut the entire broccoli into chunks the size of a quarter or smaller and add to the bowl of, now, grated cauliflower. 
4. Add the garlic, basil, and sea salt to the bowl and mix all the ingredients.
5. Add 1 tbsp of coconut oil to frying pan on the stove and begin to melt the oil.
6. Once the oil has taken a creamy consistency and is still white (If it begins to brown or golden, you've heated it to much and it has started to burn), add the bowl of mixed veggies, herbs and spices. 
7. While stirring the frying veggies, reduce heat halfway and cook until the cauliflower turns golden.
8. By then, the spaghetti squash should be cooked up (unless you are a super speedy, efficient ninja) and you can take it out of the oven to add to your plate assembled with cos lettuce, beans of your choice, and your cauliflower fried 'rice'.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Throughout life, moments are so precious and we can so easily take time for granted. Time that we have with loved ones, passions, or even just life itself. Before I had adopted this mindset of cherishing and valuing every moment of incredible life, like many, I could have easily found myself in a rut. It is so crucial to remember that no matter what happens, there is always something positive to look to. And with that, there is always inspiration surrounding, something I carry with me everyday. Whether that be from friends, family, figures, nature, things, ideas, or even pets, the love and positivity is always available.

Inspiration, to me, is something you feel and immense amount of love for, and something that gives you hope regarding yourself. Inspiration makes you feel good, and bout yourself too. Finding inspiration from others is not only important, but finding the fire inside yourself to ignite that spark to be artistic, loving, beautiful, whole, healthy, and positive is also vital. Of course you have to laugh at yourself occasionally or acknowledge that you may be imperfect in one way, but that is the most perfect thing about life (Something I had previously expressed in my Loving your whole, imperfect perfect self post). 
I have so many things to work on still, and I love that because it gives me such a satisfying task in my life. Something so dear and personal, I have the privilege of calling it my own.  

With the things that are inspiring to me, (and I recommend everyone do this) I have a list as to why it does.

In closing, I find inspiration everywhere, in nature, in friends, family, activity, movement, people, and most importantly, the journey and imperfectly, imperfect idea of life. So go out there, take that yoga class, cook that recipe that taunts your taste-buds, go for gold, find inspiration, better yourself, for you are bettering the world. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

"Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body"

Being an athlete at a professional level, I am constantly using my body to it's maximum. By doing so, as everybody does, I need fuel and a lot of it. It's not only an idea of how much, but the quality as well as how beneficial it is to my active, able body. 
By sticking to whole, natural, nourishing foods, I fill my body with fuel that allows me to perform at my best. By sharing my reasons, my highly-recommended performance foods, and some helpful healthy recipes for anybody, I wish to share my love for food and it's importance to us as earthlings.

Without further ado, my beauty breakfast smoothie bowl is one of my favourite lazy Sunday meals. It's so easy, no major preparation is necessary. Another awesome component, it's 100% VEGAN, HIGH ENERGY, and is 100% DELICIOUS.

First you'll need the essentials:

      To add on top
1 bartlett pear sliced thinly
vegan, healthy granola of your choice
     The smoothie itself
1 bunch of red grapes (about 20)
1C frozen or fresh sliced strawberries
1/2C frozen mango
lots of cinnamon (and I mean LOTS!!)
1C almond milk
1/4C frozen blackberries/blueberries
1/2 scoop vega protein powder - vanilla (optional)

In terms of the granola, I like to add my personal favourite at the moment, which has to be KIND Granola Vanilla Blueberry Clusters with Flax Seeds. It's such a yummy treat-option to add on top of this bowl of yummy, goodness. It can be found at any whole foods and is jam-packed with so many health benefits including:
  • All-Natural
  • Gluten Free
  • Non-GMO
  • 100% Whole Grain
  • Good source of fibre and omega

It's also stuffed with delicious and nutritious whole grains including gluten free oats, brown rise, buckwheat, amaranth, millet, and quinoa. Thus, also making this bowl GLUTEN-FREE. 

So, enjoy a lazy Sunday morning with the comfort of sweet, healthy, beautiful nourishment, but don't forget to enjoy the sun, learn something new, get active, read a bit or just enjoy the day with happiness and love surrounding you.

Up close, the smoothie tastes just as good alone and can even act as a substitute for an ice cream desert thanks to the frozen mango that creates such a smooth, soft serve texture.